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Before you dive into your 5 Tips To Liberate You From Your Chronic Back Pain And Create Unparalleled Injury Prevention go ahead and schedule your FREE Bonus call with me first...

*We'll pinpoint your biggest challenges to date

*Talk about past-present and future lifestyle

*Start to lay out a personalized roadmap


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"He has helped me become more aware about the importance of movement and core strength in both the mitigation and management of chronic back pain as well the role that both of those play in long term injury prevention".


"Breaking down fascia and strengthening movements I was pain free and still functioning pain free after 2.5 months"


"My Hip mobility has improved dramatically with better articulation. Ultimately leaving me with improved Knee stability. Now I can ski fun lines with confidence"!

Dr. TJ Vanidestine Gorge Chiropractic

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